
In general, Klöckner & Co follows a dividend policy of distributing 30% of consolidated net income before non-recurring items.

  • We complied with this dividend policy in 2006 and 2007 by distributing €0.80 per share each year. 
  • In fiscal year 2008, we suspended our dividend policy in view of the emerging euro crisis and dispensed with payment of a dividend. 
  • In 2009, we paid no dividend for reasons of our earnings situation.
  • Starting in fiscal year 2010, we resumed our Company’s general dividend policy by paying a dividend of €0.30 per share. 
  • No dividend was paid in fiscal years 2011, 2012 and 2013, again for earnings-related reasons. 
  • In 2014 we distributed the balance sheet profit in the amount of €19,950,000. Given 99,750,000 shares vested with dividend rights, this amount corresponds to a distribution of €0.20 per share. 
  • For the fiscal year 2015, no dividend was paid for earnings-related reasons.
  • For fiscal year 2016 we distributed an amount of €19,950 thousand. Given 99,750,000 shares vested with dividend rights, this amount corresponds to a distribution of €0.20 per share. 
  • For the fiscal year 2017 and 2018 we have distributed an amount of €29,925 thousand. This corresponds to a distribution of €0.30 per share of 99,750,000 shares in total entitled to dividend.
  • No dividend payment due to earnings in 2019.
  • Due to negative net income no dividend for 2020.
  • In light of the record earnings for fiscal year 2021, we paid an unusually high dividend of €1.00 per share.
  • Due to the significantly positive net income, a dividend of €0.40 per share was paid for fiscal year 2022
  • For fiscal year 2023 we distributed an amount of €19,950 thousand. Given 99,750,000 shares vested with dividend rights, this amount corresponds to a distribution of €0.20 per share. 

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