
Klöckner & Co shares have been traded on the official market (Prime Standard) at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since 2006. Since March 21, 2016 the shares are listed in the SDAX® index, making Klöckner & Co one of the 160 largest listed companies in Germany.

Information at a glance  
ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) DE000KC01000
German Securities Identification Number (WKN) KC0100
Ticker symbol Deutsche Börse KCO
Ticker symbol Bloomberg KCO GR
Ticker symbol Reuters KCOGn.DE
Number of shares 99,750,000
Admission to listing June 28, 2006
Listing Regulated Market (Prime Standard) at Frankfurt Stock Exchange

Shareholder Structure

Klöckner & Co SE has capital stock amounting to €249,375,000 representing 99,750,000 registered shares. All shareholders are listed in an electronic share register. The predominant part in Klöckner & Co is held by institutional investors. Retail shareholders represent around 25%.


Share Register

By using our online service for shareholders you can view and, if necessary, update your address entered in the Share Register of Klöckner & Co SE here at any time.
If you would like us to make the needed amendments please send us an e-mail to and give us your shareholder's number in addition to your requests.


Shareholders Pursuant to voting rights notification according to section 33 WPHG

The following table lists all shareholders holding 3 % or more voting rights in Klöckner & Co SE due to the most recent voting rights notification (Section 33 German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) respectively section 21 WpHG former version) at the indicated date. Apart from the voting rights held by the shareholder itself, also voting rights attributed to him pursuant to section 34 WpHG (respectively section 22 WpHG former version) are included in the calculation of the share of voting rights. The following table only contains the respective parent company being subject to the notification obligation, even if it made a notification also on behalf of any of its subsidiaries. Financial instruments according to Section 38 WpHG are also included in the following table.

Name of the notifying person Voting rights attached to shares and other instruments in percentage (rounded) Date of publication
SWOCTEM GmbH / Friedhelm Loh 41.53% 05-02-2024
Rossmann Beteiligungs GmbH 5.17% 10-07-2024
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 4.99% 04-11-2022
Dimensional Holdings Inc. 3.01% 01-12-2022

Pursuant to Section 40 WpHG, Klöckner & Co SE is obliged to publish voting rights notifications received in accordance with Sections 33 et seq. WpHG.

You can find the complete wording of voting rights notifications published by Klöckner & Co SE here.


Director Number of shares Total value in € million
Gisbert Rühl (CEO) 164,979 1.125


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