Whistleblower System / Complaint Mechanism – Let us know

Klöckner & Co is committed to corporate responsibility for the respect of human rights and associated environmental standards, committing itself to free competition while strongly opposing corruption at all levels of economic and societal life. A high level of integrity in business is of paramount importance to us. Transparency in our business processes is a cornerstone of our success.

Therefore, we seek to be informed about any violations of human rights and associated environmental standards, not only within our own business sector but also in all companies within our supply chain, as well as any instances of compliance breaches.

Through the contact options on this page, you can reach us around the clock and provide information on violations of human rights, associated environmental standards, and compliance breaches. This offer is directed to all employees of the Klöckner & Co group, as well as customers, suppliers, other business partners, and all individuals and communities affected by violations.

Information provided to us through this page will be encrypted and treated confidentially. Incoming reports cannot be traced back. Your information will be handled by us with all necessary sensitivity and seriousness. The content of your report will be forwarded to our Corporate Compliance Office in Duisburg, Germany. From there, violations of human rights and associated environmental standards will be forwarded to our Corporate Human Rights Office in Duisburg, Germany, which will assume further processing of such reports.



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