Career Stories

Our product and service portfolio is just as diverse as the spectrum of professions and the projects that await you at Klöckner & Co SE – either at our Headquarters in Duisburg or at any of our locations.

Take a look at what employees at our country organizations and the holding company have to say about their work and professions at Klöckner:

Rami Rihawi

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Junior Software Developer, kloeckner.i, Berlin

"At kloeckner.i we develop platforms for ordering steel online. I do something important because I build the platforms as a backend developer. The technologies we work with at kloeckner.i are very advanced. Being here and being able to work with such great people makes me happy. I think we're more than just colleagues."

Rami Rihawi had to flee his hometown of Aleppo in Syria and came to Germany in September 2015. With the help of an app he taught himself the German language and came into contact with our digital daughter kloeckner.i through our partner ReDI-School, a programming school for refugees. After a successful internship kloeckner.i hired Rihawi and employs him since then as a platform developer. In the video he shows the offices of kloeckner.i and talks about a very special guest.

Dr. Stefan Simon

Head of Logistics Processes, Performance & Network, Kloeckner Shared Services GmbH, Duisburg

"Klöckner gives me the chance to use my strengths and knowledge – and to live out my special interests, especially in strategic logistics projects. Working with my colleagues, whom I get to know and respect through projects that transcend hierarchical levels and national boundaries, is also a great source of inspiration. It’s just as exciting and challenging to put the more theoretical, strategic findings into practice and bring the success of these concepts to life."

Jamie Pfleger

Director of Physical Vapor Disposition, Kloeckner Metals Corporation, Cincinnati

"What I particularly like about my work at Klöckner is the people - my colleagues and our customers. And I like challenges. There are plenty of them, especially currently in PVD. I can take care of commercial matters and expand on them, but at the same time I look after the operative side. An exciting job."

Alexander Becker

Warehouse / processing employee, Kloeckner Metals Germany GmbH, Duisburg

“I have been with Klöckner since 2019 and have learned and developed a lot during this time. My tasks include receiving and inspecting goods, picking customer orders and operating a variety of machines for preparation and processing. My work is very varied and the working environment is friendly. Klöckner is the ideal employer for me because I feel comfortable here and I am supported in my personal and professional development.”

Julia Jordan

Expert E-Business & Marketing, Kloeckner Metals Germany GmbH

"In the e-business of the German country organization, I act as an interface between our digital "sister" kloeckner.i in Berlin and our decentralized sales locations in Germany to drive the digital transformation forward. What I love about my work is the variety and the freedom to help shape new concepts and projects with my own ideas. It is exciting to master the small and big challenges around digitalization, to witness the successes of change and to learn new things again and again. I also think the digital tools that connect us in our virtual team throughout Germany and facilitate project work across the board are great." 

Cassidy Crone

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Student at Princeton University and in the summer of 2019 intern in the Digital Supply Chain, Klöckner & Co SE, Duisburg

„This summer I am participating in the Ruhr Fellowship, which is a program that brings students from great Universities in the United States together in the Ruhr Area to learn about german culture and language and also get work experience in local companies. I am doing my internship here with the Digital Supply Chain Group, focusing on titanium research and also working on digitalization of Klöckner‘s distribution service. I could definetly imagine working here in the future.“

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